Transas Scandinavia AB has recently emerged as the final winner in the tender process for the public procurement of a new Full Mission Ship Bridge Simulator. Issued by the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology at Gothenburg’s Chalmers University, the procurement was based on an invitation to tender which began in autumn 2005.
The simulator is intended for use by external customers (such as training of the ship’s bridge team, pilots and tug masters), as well as for investigation, research, design and master classes. The project was won under a heavily regulated tender process, which saw Transas compete with other top flight companies in the industry.
The simulator itself is able to simulate any type of vessel, including high speed vessels and tugs. The scope of supply includes both primary and secondary bridges including a built-in decision support system, a desktop bridge station and an interface to SSPA hydrodynamic ship models database.
As a Full Mission Ship Bridge Simulator, the system also meets the requirements of the standards of training and certification for Watch keeping (STCW’95) convention.