BSM Adds Simulators at Cyprus Training Center



Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has invested in a Full Mission Bridge and an Engine Room simulator for its training center in Limassol, Cyprus, allowing BSM to offer training for the career development of its own officers, as well as external training for participants in the region. Training will include STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) courses as well as tailor-made customer courses to the advanced level required for Deck and Engineer officers.

The bridge simulator consists of two separate 180 degree visualization bridges fully equipped with various controls and systems, including ECDIS, RADAR/ARPA, VHF, bow and stern thrusters, simulated anchoring and mooring, use of tugs for berthing assistance, GMDSS radio communication, signaling equipment such as lights and shapes, steering gear and engine control.

This equipment allows users to select vessels from the library of 40 different ship types, operating in 25 sea and port areas. The Bridge Simulator also connects with the newly installed Engine Room Simulator enabling up to six students to train in ship’s maneuvering and machinery operations on individual stations.

Simulation training is of the utmost importance in modern shipping, particularly for the employees of a shipmanagement company. With the wide range of possible operating systems present even across the same fleet and an ever-increasing number of processes becoming automated, it is vital that personnel are competent in handling the nuances of whichever vessel they are assigned to.

Via this training, nautical and engineering officers will gain knowledge and improve the skills required to serve on board in today’s technology-led shipping environment.

John Pritchett, Corporate Manager HRM ““ Training and Development, said, “With training and the emphasis we place on career development of our sea staff being at the forefront of our philosophy, BSM have invested in our facilities in Cyprus with the addition of this new equipment, which takes the center to another level; and further promotes our ability as the leading training provider in the region. This also aligns the center in Cyprus with our facilities in Manila and Mumbai.”

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