Research council supports port expansion projects


The CSIR also analyses data on ship motion. Ship motion simulator software is run on computers to determine how a ship will be manoeuvred into the port. A pilot will steer the simulated ship into the harbour, which will provide statistical information that is then used to design the safe layout of a port.

For example, different conditions and scenarios are fed into the simulation and repeated simulations provide information on how wide the entrance channel should be. The simulations are also carried out with a few different harbour layouts to determine which is the safest and most economic design. The simulations also allow the ports to be tested for ships of the future, not only ships that currently use the ports.

The computer simulations are also used for the physical model results and after the port has been designed for safety and efficiency, the physical model can help determine the wave action that may enter the port for each port expansion design. Data is extracted from all the different models and simulations to increase the efficiency of the actual port expansion design, and determine limiting conditions for safe port operations.

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